Friday, October 28, 2005

Stoned immaculate...a Volcano review

I've owned a few bongs over the years but nothing prepared me for vapourisation.

Your standard water bong is basically a plant cellulose combustion tool that uses water as a filter to take the edge of the harsh smoke.

The herb or resin is burnt with a lighter or even worse a high pressure butane gas lighter. The upshot is that the active ingredient in the herb is fried with impunity until its charcoal.

Its essentially a race to see how much THC can be vapourised before the material turns into a hydrocarbon.

Tars and carcinogens are created and emmited within the thick smoke that insues. All the stoner wants is some THC so its plain to see that its kinda silly to inhale 300+ other ingredients.

Its the sledgehammer and the nut !

Vapourisation allows you to collect the THC and leave all the crap behind. There are many vapourisers out there from £30 - £400 and as you would imagine theres a direct linearity between cost and effectiveness.

After some investigation I bought the daddy of them all. The Volcano by storz-bickel.

The Volc arrived mail order. I unpacked it and marvelled it its packaging. Lots of flash graphics on the box and when unpacked it looked liked some sort of aromatherapy aid for born again yogic monks.

It would fit into any modern kitchen and not look out of place, somehow I questioned its ability as a THC delivery agent. Had I wasted £400 ?

I diced and chopped the herb and filled the small alloy adaptor as the instructions advised. Meanwhile the Volcano was heating up on setting 6 of 10 heat settings.

I placed the adaptor on the top on the triangular alloy pyramid that was the volcano and after clicking the balloon adaptor onto it I pressed the exhaust button. The balloon started to fill with an opaque mist. When it had filled to capacity I removed the balloon, added the one way inhalation valve ( very cool little alloy thingy ) and inhaled the whole balloon.
The taste was diluted but intense and had none of the harsh smoke that you feel with traditional smoking devices. It tickled the throat but was by no means harsh. The effects were apparent within seconds and the intensity grew for maybe 30 mins, to a staggering level. My goose was cooked make no mistake.
After hearing my praise and rantings about the volcano two of my best friends were quick to visit me for an evening.

I produced the Volcano and they were as doubtful as I had been. Five minutes later there was little doubt. They were baked and languished on my sofa like languistines out of water!

The rest of the evening was spent praising the volcano and debating traditional methods of smoking.

The next day one of my friends placed an order for a Volcano of his own. At £400 a pop there is no better seal of recommendation that that.

On another occasion I brought the volcano to a dinner party along with a few bottles of wine. Four of the six attendees were non-stoners but after dinner curiosity got the better of them and everybody tried the Volcano.

Once again conversation was dominated by this groovy stainless steel star trek toy and another fun night was had.

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